Monday, December 28, 2009


Picture not only the dorks singing and dancing, but also a boy in a wheelchair, cheerleaders, football players, and of course a gay guy. Then add in teachers sabatoging the club. Oh and lots of flirting.  That's glee.

I hate to admit it but this show is actually good.

I watched most of the first season of Glee tonight, didn't make it to disc 3 or 4. I freakin love it.

I don't understand how the writers of the show made it interesting to watch a show about a high school glee club. When I was in high school I didn't care about the singing clubs. So why now?

Well I didn't know that the glee club has drama.It's like desperate housewives high school edition.  Jane Lynch, yeah the crazy lady who is in almost every movie now, plays a cheerleader coach who wants to get rid of the glee club. One of her lines is, "I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat. And then on some dark, cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face! "

Not only that but the teacher is way too hot to be a teacher. 

The show makes me wish I was in highschool again. Only I hated highschool and I can't dance or sing. Anyways, look out for videos of Adrian and I attempting to be glee kids. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Biggie Smalls

So a couple of weeks ago Zach and I got a pug puppy and named him Biggie Smalls. He is the cutest.

This is a picture of him is his pee box.

Since it's so cold right now and he is not potty trained we are training him to pee in a box. I'm really not sure if that's a good way to train dogs but I think we're doing okay with it. Except he did pee on my pillow tonight. That sucked. Why can't he just learn to pee on the paper? Pretty I'm  just gonna buy him diapers.

He also likes to play.

I bought him this rope and he thinks its alive. He sneaks up to the rope to attack it. He also has a chew toy. I try to play fetch with him but he runs the other direction. Sometimes he gets it. A lot of the time he falls off the couch. I want to find a wheel for him to exercise on, like a hamster wheel. If I can't find one maybe I'll just have to invent one.

He also has a couple of coats for when we take him outside.

It's a hard life for a dog. He needs his coat for when it's freezing outside. Don't worry he doesn't wear outfits everyday.

So the question is.... am I a good puppy mom? I know nothing about raising a puppy. So I'm probably going to screw this up but hey I'm trying and so far it's going pretty good. Kind of.

The problem is I see all of these puppy things at the store that cost so much money and I wonder if he really needs it. So I don't get it. Am I setting him up for failure? I should probably get a book about pugs so I can learn how to teach him and take care of him. Or the Christmas toys. Puppies dont know it's Christmas, or do they? Should I splurge and buy that candy cane toy? I didn't and I'm pretty sure that doesnt make me a bad mommy.

So far Biggie is awesome.