Sunday, November 22, 2009

Car Problems

Every November my car breaks. Last year it was my heat, this year it was a main belt that made it so my battery wouldn't run and my power steering went out, and the years before that I had problems every month.

Well about this November's car problem..

To put it short my car kept breaking down at intersections. It would just stop. And not start back up.
I learned a few things from this.

  • Power steering is not run by the battery, even though it has the word "power" in its name.
  • Mechanic shops charge a lot but family members can fix things if youre lucky.
  • If something is wrong with a car leave it where it is, don't try to drive.
  • Cops turn on their flashing red and blue lights even when they are trying to help you so people will always think you are getting a ticket, it just makes them look better.
  • People will honk even if it's obvious that a car is stuck in one spot.
  • Construction guys are really nice and are strong enough to push a small car through an intersection.
  • My car will never fail to break down in November
It's no fun when you're car breaks down. It's not fun to make your boyfriend leave work to come get you out of the middle of the street. It's not fun having cars honk at you. It's not fun being late to work. And I'd rather save money than spend it on my crappy car.
So I've came up with not one solution but two.
  1. This idea seems a little communist or socialist or some government that's not democratic but it's worth a shot. When a baby is born the government should put a hundred dollars into the stock market with the baby's name on it. When the kid turns sixteen the money should have grown and helped the economy at the same time. This money could be used to buy a car or if you want to be envornmentally friendly a bus or subway ticket. Also, since repair shops can be a little shady and the average person knows little about cars the government could fix cars for free, and people would only be charged the price of the part. This way people would hopefully not be taken advantage of as they are now. If I had to take my car into a repair shop I know it would have been a lot more than the $20 dollars for the part and the $20 dollars I gave my parents for driving around to test my battery and figuring out what was wrong.  Obviously I know this idea will not work because it doesn't fit in with society right now. I think it's a good idea but not a good action, it just wouldn't work.
  2. This is a simplier version. A car mechanic class should be required in highschool. My school had car classes but only the people who already knew how to fix a car took the class. Beginners like me who don't even know how to change the oil wouldn't fit in. If a beginner class was required kids would have to learn how to change oil, diagnose a problem, and learn the basics of fixing a car. This way everybody would know a little about cars. I could have used a class like that a lot more than that required algebra class!

Of course this is just me being mad that my car always breaks down in Novemeber. But really, think about it, cars are important in today's society and yet most of society know little about cars.

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